Our anticipated 2025 adjudication team is as follows. Biographies will be posted prior to the start of the registration period. Please note that adjudicators may be replaced in the event of unforeseen circumstances that make it impossible for them to fulfill their commitments.
IMPORTANT : The Festival will no longer be engaging adjudicators in low-enrolment disciplines (marked TBA below) unless there is sufficient enrolment to warrant it. Determinations will be made after the registration period ends. In the event of low enrolment, guitar will be adjudicated in asynchronous online format. Speech arts will be adjudicated by the voice and choral adjudicator. Brass and woodwinds will be adjudicated by the Bands adjudicator. If it is not possible for a participant to be adjudicated by an in-person adjudicator, asynchronous online adjudication will be offered.
Refunds will not be issued if a participant declines to be adjudicated in the prescribed format by the adjudicator assigned by the Festival.
Band and Orchestra: Ken Rogers
Brass: TBA
Guitar: TBA
Musical Theatre: Kim Mattice Wanat
Piano Plan I: Lana Henchell
Piano Plan II: Marlis Gunderson
Speech Arts: TBA
Strings: Fabiola Amorim
Voice and Choral: Mireille Rijavec
Woodwinds: TBA